Møt kuratorene for Documenta 12 på OCA

Under tittelen Form, Politics, Spectatorship: Documenta 12 as a Case Study arrangerer OCA fredag 6. mars en panelsamtale hvor de to kuratorene for Documenta 12, Ruth Noack og Roger M. Buergel, vil delta.

Under tittelen Form, Politics, Spectatorship: Documenta 12 as a Case Study arrangerer OCA fredag 6. mars en panelsamtale hvor de to kuratorene for Documenta 12, Ruth Noack og Roger M. Buergel, vil delta.

I OCAs presentasjon av arrangementet heter det:
æThis panel will focus on documenta 12 (Kassel, Germany, 2007), an exhibition that constituted an important example of how display strategies affect the experience of artworks, and included artists such as Charlotte Posenenske, Sanja Iveković and Nasreen Mohamedi. The panel, which will include the two curators of the exhibition, Ruth Noack and Roger M. Buergel, will discuss the relationship between written discourse and the exhibition of works; the notion of form and its relation to the political legacy of constructivism; and the possibility of education within an exhibition context. Other participants will include Michael Leja, Professor of art history at the University of Pennsylvania and recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship (2008), Peter Osborne, Professor of modern European philosophy and director of the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy, Middlesex University, London and Suely Rolnik, psychoanalyst, critic and curator based in São Paulo, Brazil.”

Sted: OCA, Nedre gate 7, Oslo. Tid: Fredag 6. mars 2009 / 19:00 – 21:00
